Thursday, July 29, 2004

Democratic Convention- Day 3

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I didn't watch a whole lot of the convention and am dissapointed at myself. I did see the beginning with John Edwards waiting for a few minutes till the massive applause died down. It was fascinating seeing all those tall, thin red signs. It seemed everybody there loved him. He just seems to be a charismatic person.

And he's a very good speaker, too. He shows no fear and seems very used to large crowds like Barack Obama. But unlike Obama, he displayed less new ideas but rather reassured he and John Kerry's goals for the future. That is rightly so, since Obama was known of little before his national debut.

Edwards did fine. He wasn't really lacking anything and it wasn't extra special, but he was well approved of by the democrats of America. John Edwards also has the duty of leaving some of the magic to John Kerry, who is after all, the presidential candidate. But Edwards got such a reception you would have thought he was the candidate for president.

The whole point of him being out there, I believe, is to get the crowd excited and pumped up. He did both of these exceedinly well, but it's not like he really had to try. Before he got on stage this crowd already loved him, and this is a good sign for the Democratic Party.

Here is the complete text of his speech.


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