The Draft: Good? Bad? Any time soon?
The draft is not a good thing. It's the opposite of what we pride ourselves about here in America. It limits are rights and makes us government property. But would you go? Step up and answer the call? Not to mention abandoning everything you know back home.
Off to Iraq! Would you go? Is that being patriotic? Sure it is! Answering you're country's call. As they say, there's no better way to show your support and pride then join the armed forces.
But this is being forced, and really, as the average teenager would put it, "That's not cool, man."
Is it also not being patriotic to not do such thing? To obey your rights? Seems reasonable to me. If you really want to "answer your country's call", join the armed forces. It's always been an option.
Many veterans, after hearing rumors get pretty nervous. They remember Vietnam, and I'm betting they didn't enjoy their stay. Not many soldiers I don't think said, "Oh wow! It was great! You've gotta go sometime."
Those are just rumors, though. But I don't want those rumors to become reality. And I have a feeling it would be much more likely to happen with a President Bush then a President Kerry.
You must be getting news in the USA than we are up here in Canada. The last time I looked the war in Iraq was getting worse. Isn't it over a year since Geo W. arrived on an aircraft carrier Hollywood style and prematurely announced the war was over?
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