Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Responding to...

I honestly do not know why there is so much belief that simply supporting the president is helping the war on terror. If he doesn't have support and maybe feels "unloved" is he going to slack off? "Since you guys don't like me, I'm not going to try as hard."

I do not ever think (or at least hope) that this will be said from a president. Will Bush do so? Probably not.

With all due respect to veterans in all wars, is it true that America's freedoms are really being protected if the war is lost? And you wonder why they say Iraq is becoming another Vietnam.

Our handling of Iraq is not up to par. Going in there in the first place was not neccessary, but now that we are there; we'd better find a way to make it work.

John Kerry is not the Democrat that I wanted. He still is confusing to me in some ways (like I'm sure he is to many people). It may look like a gamble to some, but if what Kerry envisions has a chance to come true, America will be better off.

Responding to one of the comments on my post on the draft, I assure you that John Kerry is less likely to start a draft. He does want to add 40,000 active duty troops, but not in Iraq. He is looking to strengthen the armed forces over time in his four years in office. This could not be an immediate plan. His first day in office he will not make a push for the draft, nor will he in his term. He is looking to put more international troops to strengthen Iraq.

I am fully aware I cannot tell the future and some of these ideas maybe me alterted by me. Unfortunately, I cannot look into Kerry's mind, but from what I've been hearing, this is what I predict and hope may happen if he is to become president.

No more breeding ground of terror, please. I'd prefer a smart, thought out plan, that might actually work. Don't you? I think America might agree with those ideas.

Now...if I could just get them all to vote...


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Anti said...

decent blog mate, but I don't get the confusion.
Kerry has a record for consumption and his plan is free to download on his website.
Elections are never about plans anyway, it's about turnout and motivation.
Bush was the runner-up in almost every debatable issue and still won, well, maybe he didn't win.
I should have said won the support of the Supreme Court.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

President Bush had no business going into Iraq when he did. To say that Iraq sponsors terrorism and has WMD is not enough. The American people failed in their responsibility to expect credible evidence before blindly supporting an illegal war option that had very little support around the world. Dealing with Iran or N. Korea would have been a blow against terrorism whereas moving against Iraq, seems more like the settling a personal grudge. It is easy to say that the world is better off with out Saddam Hossain and this is true however, at what cost? I thought this was a war on terrorists, not dictators? As a Canadian I worry about the effectiveness of the US strategy to combat terror for if an attack on US soil is carried out using chemical or radioactive toxins, America’s neighbours are at risk too. Lastly I'd just like to say that during the 'rush to war'... it was in extremely bad taste to have the American ambassador to Canada tour my country threatening economic hardship if we did support the invasion of Iraq. Bush Jr. is the worst president the United States has ever had.

P.S. it's no fun living next door to the Simpsons.


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