Thursday, December 30, 2004

Help If You Can

Please if you can, donate to:


World Vision

Red Cross

Feed the Children

Direct Relief International

United Methodist Church

Red Crescent

Give to those who have nothing.

Another post will follow sometime of my observations of the tsunami and earthquake that tilted the Earth on it's axis and claimed over 100,000 lives (so far).

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day

Today is the most important of all the holidays. Today is Boxing Day, which no one really cares about at all. Just thought I'd share.

Yesterday was Christmas and it was great. I received a copy of Fahrenheit 9/11, and it will be fun to watch again. Wether you agree with it or not, it's a piece of history at the least. Unfortunately, the day after Christmas was not great for everyone, specifically southeastern Asia.

Hell rained down on them with tsunamis. It is poorly located, and this is bound to happen every once in a while. But right in the middle of the holidays. The tsunamis were triggered by one of the largest and most powerful earthquakes in 40 years. As the richter scale recoreded it: 8.9. Eight point nine! That is massive, which would explain why over 11,000 innocent people have been killed.

You can expect my summary of 2004 some time soon, and hopefully before 2005, if I'm not too lazy. As you know it will be full many happy things! <---Lie.

And for the enjoyment of all, an Obama article I found.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Poland Pulling Out?

Poland is pulling out their forces in Iraq. Well, a third of them. Hey Mr. Bush: Nice coalition you've got there.

Go back in time with me to a time where Bush lost debates and Kerry won them easily. Well there was a time where Bush was defending his mad skills in Iraq. "Don't forget Poland!" he said when his US-led coalition was criticized.

Well, now that it seems Poland is pulling many out, that sure should be a slam to your coalition, right? After all, Poland is your left-hand man (2nd best ally?). So, as you go to bed, remember that John Kerry still haunts you. 49% of America is dissapointed at you. What do you care, though? You repress their rights, and the majority still votes for you. You're a very sly fox, Mr. Bush.

I have thought, why is Poland doing this? This isn't in the Coalition's best interests, is it? Yes, it may only be a cut by a third, but a third they need. "The pullout, long discussed by Warsaw, is due to take place after Iraq's parliamentary elections". Is that really what they (the Coalition) needs? After the election wouldn't be safer, let me tell you that. This is Iraq we're talking about. Problems won't be solved just because there is elections.

And hear me clearly when I tell the world: these elections won't be real. They can't be, with all the groups that are boycotting them. The only ones that will vote will be the puppets to the United States, not the true majority voice of Iraq. I am pretty much on that same boat to boycott the elections. This isn't because I'm an enemy of democracy, it's because I support democracy. There's only one first time for Iraq's democracy, and I think all of the people of Iraq would like it to be accurate. And very little in this poorly-planned war has gone right. Let this be something positive.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Don't Comment

That's it, reverse psychology...

I recently read an article from Al Jazeera about this Palestinian boy who was shot because an Israeli soldier...wanted to. You know, because he can. It was no accident either. Ten shots in the head. The head. After you do that kind of thing, you just feel warm and fuzzy inside, don't you?

Here's the thing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: I'm not hardcore supporting either one of them. I want peace, obviously. I don't favor Israelis or Palestinians. They both need to learn some things before there can be a chance for peace. They need to know there's a better way. Israeli soldiers could obviously use some sort of sensitivity training. Both sides need to have more humanity and compassion towards each other.

I am a big supporter of disliking other governments. Sure, that's fine. It's your opinion, right? But what always gets me is when people take their opinion too far. They start building a hate towards that country's people. Take France, for example. You hate the French! Why? It doesn't make any sense.

This seems to happen to Palestinians. Many correlate the words Palestinians and terrorists together. This likely true in many cases. Some groups obtain funding from terrorist organizations. That's not a good thing and should be stopped. The United States couldn't allow a free Palestinian state to be skipping and holding hands with terrorists.

But I'm just thinking out loud here...what if the Israelis had no United States funding? That's billions of dollars a year. This is like saying, here, take your people and have some space. This sounds similar to what happened to the Palestinians. Is it possible (just go with me) that terrorists are willing to support a group that is bent on destroying a people supported by the United States? Of course this is likely. And also, is it possible, that Israelis would create some sort of militia to fight off it's enemies (Palestine)? Might they be similar to them at all?

By expressing these ideas, I might touch some sensitive subjects. For this one in particular, I have little background knowlege of their conflicts. I have an opinion, and would appreciate it being critiqued.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Send in the---rats?

Now I've heard everything. Rats are currently being used to find mines underground. And from what I hear, the rats are doing swell. This is a successful way of determining wether you might blow up if you walk through an area. Good to know.

But don't worry about the rats. They are too light to be detected by the mines, and this is a good thing, because you can recycle your rats, too. Using them over and over again not only helps clear mine fields, but it also provides a very necessary service--it gives the rats something to do. The rats are well paid, of course. After all, they do daring work everyday.

This "pay" that they get it simply bananas and peanuts. And life, assuming they aren't grossly obese enough to set off a land mine. But if we were all eating only bananas and peanuts, I can't imagine any human would be obese, either. Bright Idea: I'm going to start a new diet! PATENT PENDING. COPYRIGHT PENDING, whatever is required to stop you from stealing my cure to world (I mean American) obesity.

This rats thing is what the world needs more of: simple solutions (ones that don't screw over the environment). This tactic of rat mine-clearing is being used in African countries that have been torn by war. Now, they are left with broken hearts and a hell of a lot of mines and they have no clue where they are. Read more here.

Isn't it just neato? Right on. We can dress little rats up in Army uniforms (custom made, of course) and have the march (scramble) around a minefield. Better rats than people, by far.

Bonus Read: I have accomplished two milestones (for my blog at least). First of all (remember this is very exciting, and if not, just try to look excited) I finally solved my HTML problems on my Blogger Template. My little things on my links to other sites wouldn't leave a space inbetween the next one on the list. So I added a slash (

) and presto! It works. Now there is spaces inbetween links. I told you this would be very amazing.

My second accomplishment: I am no longer a Self-Commenting Virgin. By this awkward title, I mean that I had never before commented on my own site. Today (just three minutes ago) I responded to GreenEggs' (one of my few readers) comment. Fascinating stuff, really.