God to Peter Jennings: You're Next
No joking though, cancer sucks, and Peter Jennings has it. It seems like god doesn't like famous people. They're dropping like things that often are dropped, like expensive china.
First batter is (sorry, baseball just started you see) Terri Schiavo. I'm glad her suffering is over, wether her passing went as smoothly as I would've prefered (euthanasia maybe). Granted, her husband may have done some weird stuff, but I like to think he was looking out for her best interest. What can I say, I agree with the guy despite any shading dealings the right screams about.
The "people's pope" has finally died, as well. Both, I think would've been expected earlier. The pope has been a gross human being, health wise, and this one we were all expecting. From what I've been hearing, there's some strange rituals that they do with a dead pope. These ranging from hitting the pope on the head with a hammer (a special one) to parading him around (well we knew this, but) they do it while his body releases a horrible stench.
After this post had been saved, the pope was buried, providing all with more water cooler debates and blog post ideas. Does anything happy happen in the news...at all?
Too bad Pope, Terri (well it wasn't bad for the latter). They are now both going going gone.
Okay, I'll stop.
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