Wednesday, August 18, 2004

"Democratic" People's Republic of Korea

The Korean Central News Agency does not bring you news at all. It does not even give you facts. It's fiction.

But what else would you expect from a maniacal government that brain-washes their people into strange and twisted beliefs that are hardly "democratic". But you might think the same of some US media.

This is run by the government though. Stifling out all freedom of speech and stamping on it so the people never know it existed. North Korea is a real threat. Iraq was not. In North Korea there is a massive army being raised appearing ready for World War III. In North Korea, the "President" Kim Jong Il parades around telling the world he has nuclear weapons.

His people suffer, but yet so many love him. They beleive he is the one working hard to bring Korea peace and stabiltity. These are people who have been lied to their entire lives and have a distorted vision of what is good and what is truth.

And the government rants about how the US is doing this, the US is doing that, but that's not so uncommon these days, is it? They do it to many countries, not only claiming that the United States is arming themselves for nuclear war but that Japan is militarizing themselves for overseas aggression.

They isolate themselves in a way to show their people that they are the ones who are doing good in the world. They are the ones working towards peace.

What could happen in the near future? It seems almost anything. Will North Korea start alliances and invade South Korea? Will they not bother with alliances and nuke the west coast of the United States? Can the United Nations dissarm them in time to prevent futher death, destruction and despair?

And what about China? They have a similar ideas of how to run their country. But they don't prance about saying, "We have nukes! Fear and respect us!" But should we be wary of them too?

I don't mind countries that simply dissagree with the United States as much as I do to countries that may be a threat to my country.

We must work with allies to stop real threats to world peace. This cannot go on forever and it will not. It can be ended in peace, or disaster.

The North Koreans tell their people in the same newspaper that the United States is trying to get biological and chemical weapons to exterminate all Koreans. Through all the confusion of that newspaper and all the things in our world today, we must see what is right and what is wrong.

And what we find to be right or wrong, will eventually be the deciding factor on is what to come.


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