Thursday, August 19, 2004

Runaway Issues

Camera Crew: Okay, Mr.'re on in 3, 2, 1 (points to Bush).

Bush: My fellow Americans, your administration has been hard at work on an idea that will lead us into the future and distract the media from the real issues. Because whatever I say will be on CNN tommorow. So let's stop wasting more of my time, let's start wasting yours.

Forget all the "important" issues that bombard you each day like gay marriage, election results...none of that matters for now. And neither did the following issue in this post, and it makes some wonder why. These are the Runaway Issues. Those things officials may have talked about once or twice and it got people talking, then it quickly died down again. They have been lost for a while, but today I'd like to uncover them, blow off the dust and see what it's really about.

One fine example is that little Mars distraction. Even the Daily Show saw it right away with headlines, "Mars Distracts!" Even they saw it, and I wish more Americans did, too. We shouldn't have to deal with administrations that give you these temporary distractions to get you excited and thinking, "Wow, this guy really is a true leader." But he's not, because obviously you forgot. He didn't keep his word, at least he's not updating us about the progress of these plans.

Mr. President, why do you distract us so? Why did the media forget about it so quickly as it does so often with many other issues. But the media went on quite a while about that Elian Gonzalez kid. And this, which Bush has proposed, is a long term, billion dollar spending spree. So why do we forget? Why has he not updated us?

The media should look at this more. Would that be being partisan though? But really, it's just looking at the facts.

Increasing death toll and insurgent uprisings...what to do...what to do? (Light bulb appears over head) "I've got a great idea! Hey everybody! Check out this other complicated and interesting plan that we have going on. Forget about that Iraq thingy! Look, we're gonna send people into space!" Grins like an idiot. "Isn't that great?"

It's like distracting a small child with a new toy. "Here, play with this for a while."

Wait a minute. This guy is the leader of the free world. At least I thought he was. He's not really doing the job I'd expect from the President of the United States. But as long as he's keeping us in it and bringing us new toys, I guess I'd vote for him.


At 8:19 AM, Blogger Francisca said...

Fine blog, grand post. Congrats

At 11:43 AM, Blogger Ang said...

What world are you living in ?? (grins)


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