Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Day 2 in RNC World

Predictable he was. Cheney sparked quite a fire as he preached to the choir. It seemed like everyone in there (except for Michael Moore I'm sure) was estatic at every line the man said. I have no doubt in my mind that Dick Cheney's speech could have taken up half the time it did if it weren't for the mob-like behavior of the bubbling Republicans.

Many Americans, I believe, have seen the pictures, have seen the video footage of followers of Muqtada al-Sadr and you might wonder: how can they be so stupid to listen to this guy? Well, it's similar to what Cheney did, really. He simply tells them what they want to hear. And some more of the undecided voters out there see them parading around happy listening to him and think "Wow, maybe he really is all he's cracked up to be, I guess I'll vote for him". It might be a good start to your political learning, but to really see what you like and what you don't like, you should investige more about both parties.

Sadly, many Americans choose not to do this. But some are learning, and provide me hope. And Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States of America, provides me little hope. The rest of his speech was not very interesting either, if you were looking for new and exciting speech at a political convention or something...

But this high school pep rally continued to spout the same stuff that we've grown tired of in the past four years.

Enough of my rants, Mr. Cheney, your turn:

"Our nation has the best health care in the world, and President Bush is making it more affordable and accessible to all Americans."

Ehh...I don't think so. He has done little to work towards a better system like universal health care. Millions of Americans don't have it and have increasingly tough medial bills they must pay. They should not have to make decisions like rent or food, frustration or suffering! Know what we might need to solve this problem? A democrat. That should be on Ripley's Believe it or Not because so many people (I call them Republicans) can't seem to understand that.

And this one too had me laughing:

(I can't find the exact text anywhere, arrg.)

He brought the sensitive thing up again! Again he looks past the real meaning of the word and says "I'm going to rip apart your serious and thought out plans for America's future so I can get more votes."

Not much hope at all, really.

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At 9:13 AM, Blogger Anti said...

the 'sensitive thing' really rankles because there is the Bush Administration not bombing the hell out of the mosque where the Iraqi dissidents were/are using as an army base, because they are SENSITIVE to it's significance as a religous edifice.
Yet Cheney...ahhhh, whatever.


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