Friday, November 26, 2004

Fear Will Keep The Local Systems In Line

Among all the ridiculous things the "HomeLand of Security" has done, this latest one might be among their best. Let me take that back, the Patriot Act was pretty bad. But this one is terrible, too. Your friendly United States government is striking fear into the hearts and minds of the people, yet again.

I'll give you a nice little look at how the HomeLand "Security" policies affect you:

The first signal instantanelously gets to your brain.
This, your brain, is almost one with your heart in these times of fear, and you get an emotion.
This emotion travels on and eventually is released as it runs down your pants.

Simple enough? No, too simple. Lack of information is what they like best. Let me explain with my liberal-tastic view of things.

The first thing I dislike about these advertisements has got to be where it starts. With a small child that starts worrying about terrorism just so they can play the guilt card on the parents. I suppose the message is: "Fear! Fear! Fear! Your very existence depends on fear! Do what we say or....or...this child will die!" Sorry, but that's the nicest way I can interpret it.

A look at how the government wishes you to see it: Be prepared. That's what they say they want you to do. Create a plan incase of terrorist attacks. Just, you know, in case. Oh thanks a lot HS department. It makes me feel much safer. Just so you know, that's sarcasm. Probably another thing the HS department just loves (I don't know, they just tend to not like a lot of things).

Why would our nice little government want to do such a thing (repress us with fear)? Well, it just so happens that while we are all stricken with fear (which we believe is sponsored by the terrorists) the government can get away with much more than Constitutionally possible.

But other than that, you know, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving…Hopefully one thing went right for you (and the country).


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