Monday, November 01, 2004

Rated L for Liberal

I'm hoping that some of this can appeal to gay-rights opposing people.

This election is a catalyst. A beginning of a fight that shall remain heated. Quite unfortunate, but it should go on for quite a while. Gay rights. Yes or no? The real question for me is, why not?

They deserve rights just the same as you or me. Do they not? It wouldn't make sense to suppress rights from a group that is different than you. I'm not here to point out who's patriotic and who's not, but doesn't that seem just a little bit un-American. And if someone might come to their senses while reading this post, I will forgive you. I'm sure all gay people would, if they could achieve true freedom.

You don't like gays, you say. You wouldn't like being gay, right? Because you are straight. That's fine. We're different, and believe it or not, we can get along. Seems almost beyond belief, doesn't it?

I wrote a well thought-out skit that I'd like you to read. Meet the characters.

Person A-Straight
Person B-Gay

Person B: I am gay.
Person A: Yes you are. And that is fine.
Person B: Thanks. I'm glad we can get along despite our differences.

WOW! Did you see (read) that? Amazing, isn't it? And yes, I am quite aware that is the poorest piece of writing you may ever see at this blog (and you should be aware of that already).

One thing everyone should be aware of: these are people. Real people with opinions and thoughts. You may have something in common, too! Try it. Communication is key to getting along. This them being people thing, it is critical for everyone to understand. Relationships are about getting along and (hopefully) falling in love. Many of these people have, and they should be allowed to be treated equally to you.

One fight from conservatives is that people in relationships should be capable of creating a baby. That's wrong, too.

They can have a baby if they want, all they have to get is for someone to carry it or for someone to donate a sperm, right? If they can't have a baby and aren't looking to have one, that's fine too. It doesn't affect you.

To put it simply, the only possible situation that I can think of where it is critical that a man and a women get together (and have a baby) is that ridiculous "If I were the last man on Earth and you were the last woman on Earth" scenario. That should really be the only time that having a baby because you're in a relationship is absolutely neccessary.

We are all equal. You say you know this and you are equal to the guy next to you. You love black people, don't you?

The black issue has only been one hurdle of many in the United States' history. And on that one we kind of tripped over it but were still allowed to go forward and win the race. The Gay Hurdle, if you will, is an uphill challenge that we now face. They deserve just as many rights as you do. To those who see this for what it is, a worthwhile and neccessary cause, join me in the fight for our rights to party (and go out and get embarassed and not care because you're with the one you love as you go get married and fall in love happily ever after).


At 8:41 PM, Blogger mhp said...

I like where you stand politically. Now do you write anything personal on this blog (I guess the Red Sox is somewhat personal)?

At 9:05 PM, Blogger Jack said...

Well written post, glad I stumbled across it. That "next blog" button can lead to some nice places.

Having said that, I'm curious...were gay-rights really an issue in this election? The only time I heard gay rights being mentioned was when the Left was telling people "The Republicans are anti-gay rights." Gay rights, which is code for same sex marriage, and women's rights, which is code for abortion, were two areas that the Left screamed about, in an attempt to demonize the Right.

"The intolerant bigots of the Right hate you because you're gay!" "The religious fanatics of the Right want you to go back to the days of coat hangers in back alleys!" are pretty effective as scare tactics, but only if you lack the ability to see through nonsense like that. Personally, I was offended by the constant attempts to scare me into voting for a certain candidate.

Ironic, considering the Democrats were constantly accusing the Republicans of fear mongering.

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