Monday, September 20, 2004

Assault Weapons

Since the lifting of the assault weapons ban, I, to be honest, have done very little about it. But I guess I am doing something about it by simply blogging and informing people of things I think they should know. And this is definitly one of them.

I think all Americans, liberal or conservative, should oppose them and have them re-banned. Why not? Is it that I don't trust my fellow American? To be honest, who does? You lock your doors at night, you claim to need a gun for "protection". Is it not just as likely that someone bad who breaks into people's houses can get this gun just as easily as someone who claims to have good intentions with it? And don't tell me that you need an assault weapon for hunting...come on. "There, I've blown the brains out of that deer, let's go have dinner."

And protection? Honestly, I don't believe you need to have a gun in your home for protection. It offers more danger than safety...

To bring up the subject once again, right after September 11th, do you think the Ney York city officials were thinking, "Damn it! Only if every person in New York had a gun on them..." Wouldn't we all be safer?

But really, there might be a plus out of all of this.

After all nuclear war and hell breaks loose, there's gonna be a huge cloud of nuclear dust and decay. And once that cloud clears, we (Americans) will come out of our houses, bunkers, underground tunnels, and along with out assault weapons, blow the heads off of whatever's left. Great? So we're all doing the right thing? Okay!

It's just great to have some assurance about this all...


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