Tuesday, November 30, 2004


There is no doubt in my mind that I have been the laziest blogger in the western hemisphere. Or the world, whichever sounds better. So this is my lazy return post, attempting to get myself back into the "swing of things". I am sitting down right now, and am going to type this all night if I have to (or until my fingers fall off).

What has been happening? Better question: should you be asking (lazy) me? Well, somewhat, because I paid attention to some stuff this week, but I wasn't up to my usual private journalistic performance. So let's see what I saw happening...

Sad News This Week: Three People Left Us:

1. Ken Jennings lost on Jeopardy!
2. Tom Brokaw is leaving NBC
3. Tom Ridge is stepping down (not so sad)

For those who would like to receive their own, personal copy of the longwinded 9/11 Commison Report can finally get it right....here. I know I was giddy the first time I saw it. Now I just have to read it all, so I can be a political genius and maybe attain half the knowledge of the book and be able to successfully debate Republicans on consecutive occasions. But hey, that's if I actually read it.

Oh, you "fans" of mine hardly did a thing to get me some super-fine nomination at the Weblog Awards. Okay, I'm sorry I just alienated myself from any fans I might have had. That's why you shouldn't be reading this. But go ahead anyways, and enjoy.

Please excuse me for any strange type of language or style I might be using, it's almost noon (at night). That's 12:00 PM for you math-only people.

Another thing this week I'd been casually keeping track of was new blood being spilled in Baghdad. That's hardly causual, but I hope you understand how I just used that word. Would you like such a link for this late breaking news? I'll be nice enough to give you one. No, have a second.

That's all for now. That's right, my fingers really have fallen off. BLOG OFF.

By the way:
If anybody would like to email me (or just comment) please tell how (or if) my style and speech in this post was different from others. These "others" can be found no where else but the archives. Enough of myblathering, the night grows late.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Fear Will Keep The Local Systems In Line

Among all the ridiculous things the "HomeLand of Security" has done, this latest one might be among their best. Let me take that back, the Patriot Act was pretty bad. But this one is terrible, too. Your friendly United States government is striking fear into the hearts and minds of the people, yet again.

I'll give you a nice little look at how the HomeLand "Security" policies affect you:

The first signal instantanelously gets to your brain.
This, your brain, is almost one with your heart in these times of fear, and you get an emotion.
This emotion travels on and eventually is released as it runs down your pants.

Simple enough? No, too simple. Lack of information is what they like best. Let me explain with my liberal-tastic view of things.

The first thing I dislike about these advertisements has got to be where it starts. With a small child that starts worrying about terrorism just so they can play the guilt card on the parents. I suppose the message is: "Fear! Fear! Fear! Your very existence depends on fear! Do what we say or....or...this child will die!" Sorry, but that's the nicest way I can interpret it.

A look at how the government wishes you to see it: Be prepared. That's what they say they want you to do. Create a plan incase of terrorist attacks. Just, you know, in case. Oh thanks a lot HS department. It makes me feel much safer. Just so you know, that's sarcasm. Probably another thing the HS department just loves (I don't know, they just tend to not like a lot of things).

Why would our nice little government want to do such a thing (repress us with fear)? Well, it just so happens that while we are all stricken with fear (which we believe is sponsored by the terrorists) the government can get away with much more than Constitutionally possible.

But other than that, you know, hope you had a nice Thanksgiving…Hopefully one thing went right for you (and the country).

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Media+UN=Media Nations?

Two Items up for discussion: Media, and a failed United Nations bill. The title of this post just sounded neat.

Have you ever noticed how the media always fades in and out of what's going on? Why don't they ask, "Mr. President, where the hell did your Mission to Mars go?".

As an example, the crisis in Sudan is still more terrible than ever, if not worse, the media seems to forget about unless something really bad happens or a country pitches in, right? The media always seems to do this, to go to wherever is popular despite several thousand people dying in other countries.

So temporarily ditching other forms of media, I have started using Al Jazeera as a resource. Yep, that Al Jazeera. The terrorist supporting romp in the sand. It's not that bad as some people would like to have you believe. Yes, it does show terrorists doing stuff free of censorship. But that may not be all bad, if you actually go to this link. There is honest, quality journalism going on there. They are based in the country of Qatar, the only country that starts with a "Q".

Oh, and the link is in english, in case you were wondering.

In other news, in United Nations news, they defeated an American backed plan to ban cloning in stem cell research. I am sure glad it failed. We need it now more than ever, and I can't grasp why these people could pass up the opportunity. Yes, I've heard the fight. "Taking human lives". It is an inalienable right to do so through abortion, and I see why it wouldn't be any different through stem cell research. And besides, it's a little different. They do it much earlier on, and so it makes it gives humanity another option: a new life or a new cure. Let us be selfish and take the cure.

We sure need cures to our numerous problems.

Monday, November 15, 2004

To Those Who Left Us

A couple famous faces have left us this week. One was ODB. Let's not be censored here. His name was Ol Dirty Bastard, and I never listened to his music. So as you can imagine, I could really care less. Sorry you ODB lovers.....

But the second person who left us is....Colin Powell, of course. Yeah, he's not really dead...but whatever. Just go with me here. As much as I'll miss Powell, who was the sheep to the Bush Administration, I will have greater fear for his replacement. It can't be Condi, not Condi, anybody else, please.

Condoleeza Rice is expected to take the job. This would probably mean someone is going to take her job, too. So we do a little switcharoo and there is a newish administration. Doctor Rice...if she really is a doctor, is not the best choice for Powell's job. She shouldn't really even be involved in government, that much we should know already. National Security Advisor, too easy for you? Take a step up, I wait to see you fail there, too.

I know I'm being a little harsh, but someone deserving, well, deserves the position.

Who else left us, this week? Oh yeah, all those soldiers in Iraq. Many are dying in Fallujah and I myself, trust that many (if not all) Americans support the troops wether they support the cause or not. That's so critical for everyone to understand. Must...get...message...to...public.

Because if you have forgotten, there used to be a great debate of signs for and against the Iraq War. The opposition (liberal pride!) held up simple yet powerful signs of "No Iraq War". The Republicans however (I use full facts in this statement) held signs that said "Support the Troops".

Thanks, jerks. You think (or at least want others to think we don't even support the troops. Well, big suprise coming here...we do. A man once said that the warrior and war should never be tied together and therefore misused in a statement (I am paraphrasing immensely). I believe that man was the guy I supported to be President (John Kerry).

Nowadays there is a full blown war, and the only signs you see out there fittingly are "Support the Troops". This makes a lot of sense, right? We are in the war, and they do need support. But since it is the same sign that paraded against liberal ideas by harassing them that they did not support the troops, I can't help but feel some angst against them. That's my (and I imagine many liberals' dillema). We want to honk, we want to say, "Go troops! Keep it up. Come home safely." But yet, since we know who this sign is from (and how they used the sign), we hate it as we love it.

It is terrible. The sign doesn't mean what it's says blatantly. But so is much of the political world, I imagine.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Siege of Fallujah

I've heard things like the siege of Fallujah, or The Siege of Fallujah, will be the biggest fight since Vietnam or something. Correct me if I'm wrong, but just keep it to yourself...

It is a big fight, indeed. Hopefully it will turn the tide of this war and (in the future) there can be less casualties. If Fallujah is possible, it seems almost anything in Iraq is possible. But let's not get ahead of ourselves, we thought this would be a "quick" war.

It will be bloody as one army expert (I have good sources don't I? "Army expert"), okay, let's call him a militaristic battle expert. Sound better? Of course it does! Anyways, that guy said that there was about 5000 insurgents in the city that once had a population of 300,000. Most of the civilians have moved out, I hear. I would, too.

We can only hope the Siege of Fallujah will be short and a decisive victory for the United States (I mean, the "Coalition"). This may take a while, too. These are many many insurgents attacking us in their city where they know the area. Hard to beat that, but we might be doing that.

I read that communications are being disrupted for the insurgents. That is good for us, because like I've said before "communication is the key" (though that pertained to a different subject). Well hopefully we've taken that key and now they are desperatly looking under the matt, fake rocks or retracing their steps to find the key that will get them into their own home.

Here is what the army is facing in the streets:

-Roadside (or car) bombs
-Sharp shooters from inside buildings
-Overt shooters on top of buildings
-Roaming gangs of (usually) three or four insurgents. Many of those use small arms, but small arms are arms none the less.

Here is what the insurgents are facing:

-Anything but small arms (come on, we have tanks)
-Organized (usually, I'd hope) groups of soldiers that are not simply patrolling and standing around waiting for an explosion (as in other parts of Iraq), but they are actively searching for these insurgents.
-Bombs overhead that all too often destroy unnceccessary buildings and soak up civilian lives like a sponge.
-Oh, and it's Veteran's Day, so they might be even more fired up to rid Fallujah of insurgents and terrorists while serving their country.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Bush Won, America Lost

Yeah, we lost. Bush has won and hell has frozen over. He won the popular vote and that stupid electoral college. Kerry conceded. Republicans retain control of congress. This is old news by now, and I'm sorry I'm just getting to it. I thought, I should blog this now, but never did...go figure.

Get ready for four more years of the same! Hoorah! Glad you all like it, though many (if not most) agree there should be more change. Kerry would have brought it, but you decide, and I'm afraid you chose wrong.

Those tax cuts are really working for all Americans, considering "the number of Americans living in poverty increased by 1.3 million last year, while the ranks of the uninsured swelled by 1.4 million."

There will be more limits to stem cell reasearch (has been, I should say). Not true with Kerry, as you'll find out if you read the article.

This guy is going to do better, right? He had his chance, but that's just my insane opinion...

So how about that Southern influence from John Edwards. That worked terribly, didn't it? He didn't even get his own state. Shame. Couldn't they have tried harder in the South? We can't just rely on those coastal states. At least we have a strong New England backing. Maybe we can invade the South from there...I mean, we can poltically influence them...

Notes: by the time most people see this, my blog will have been up for 100 days. At least, the tracker (at the bottom of this page) will be 100 days old. Over 900 hits. This is great, and I'm glad people keep reading and this blogging community is growing fast. I enjoy doing this a great deal. It would have been really nice if I could get 1000 hits in 100 days. But I'll take what I can get and hopefully my blog will continue to grow. It's up to you: tell some people! If you tell one person and they tell one person, I'll have 3 people who know of it and one person that actually goes to it once and then gets bored and goes back to Google.

If you're looking to do that, Google is right here.

If not, I encourage you to read the archives (to the right of this text somewhere) and especially one of the latest ones, "Rated L for Liberal" (it's right below this).

My biggest political nightmare that I've feared for four years has come true. Good luck America, because even if Bush won, you lost.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Rated L for Liberal

I'm hoping that some of this can appeal to gay-rights opposing people.

This election is a catalyst. A beginning of a fight that shall remain heated. Quite unfortunate, but it should go on for quite a while. Gay rights. Yes or no? The real question for me is, why not?

They deserve rights just the same as you or me. Do they not? It wouldn't make sense to suppress rights from a group that is different than you. I'm not here to point out who's patriotic and who's not, but doesn't that seem just a little bit un-American. And if someone might come to their senses while reading this post, I will forgive you. I'm sure all gay people would, if they could achieve true freedom.

You don't like gays, you say. You wouldn't like being gay, right? Because you are straight. That's fine. We're different, and believe it or not, we can get along. Seems almost beyond belief, doesn't it?

I wrote a well thought-out skit that I'd like you to read. Meet the characters.

Person A-Straight
Person B-Gay

Person B: I am gay.
Person A: Yes you are. And that is fine.
Person B: Thanks. I'm glad we can get along despite our differences.

WOW! Did you see (read) that? Amazing, isn't it? And yes, I am quite aware that is the poorest piece of writing you may ever see at this blog (and you should be aware of that already).

One thing everyone should be aware of: these are people. Real people with opinions and thoughts. You may have something in common, too! Try it. Communication is key to getting along. This them being people thing, it is critical for everyone to understand. Relationships are about getting along and (hopefully) falling in love. Many of these people have, and they should be allowed to be treated equally to you.

One fight from conservatives is that people in relationships should be capable of creating a baby. That's wrong, too.

They can have a baby if they want, all they have to get is for someone to carry it or for someone to donate a sperm, right? If they can't have a baby and aren't looking to have one, that's fine too. It doesn't affect you.

To put it simply, the only possible situation that I can think of where it is critical that a man and a women get together (and have a baby) is that ridiculous "If I were the last man on Earth and you were the last woman on Earth" scenario. That should really be the only time that having a baby because you're in a relationship is absolutely neccessary.

We are all equal. You say you know this and you are equal to the guy next to you. You love black people, don't you?

The black issue has only been one hurdle of many in the United States' history. And on that one we kind of tripped over it but were still allowed to go forward and win the race. The Gay Hurdle, if you will, is an uphill challenge that we now face. They deserve just as many rights as you do. To those who see this for what it is, a worthwhile and neccessary cause, join me in the fight for our rights to party (and go out and get embarassed and not care because you're with the one you love as you go get married and fall in love happily ever after).