Tuesday, August 31, 2004

RNC Day 1

I enjoyed John McCain's speech at the RNC. It was more moderate and less hard core conservative view. A nice change.

His introduction was done by Lindsey Graham, who I was more displeased with. He said that the Republican opposition spoke of two Americas. But as I clearly remeber at the DNC, a great man, I beleive his name was Barack Obama said, "Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America—there’s the United States of America." That man, Barack Obama, can be president one day. I'd vote for him. Read/watch the rest of his speech from the DNC and you'll see why.

McCain spoke of how he had liberal and democrat friends, and he was fine with that. I'm glad he tried to bridge the gap of this already too partisan race. He said in an interview shortly after that both democrats and republicans are going to have to work together soon. Once they do this, hopefully they can make a positive change.

But McCain's speech was not approved by me completely. He got large applause and directed large boos towards Michael Moore with one line. "And certainly not a disingenuous film maker who would have us believe that Saddam's Iraq was an oasis of peace..."

I disagree. I'm not sure that Michael Moore supported Saddam Hussein, he was just against the war. How hard is that to understand? Moore doesn't support terrorism in case you were wondering.

This week, Mr. Moore is writing an editorial for USA TODAY. I read today's and it was pretty good. I recommend it. I like the idea in the article.

Oh, and a little comment on slogans. Those political ones, for both parties, tend to get pretty boring, huh? Kerry's "Hope is on the Way" made me roll my eyes a couple times. And the GOP's "A Nation of Courage" put me to sleep after seeing it the one thousandth time. But hey, that does show that both parties are dedicated. They don't flip flop in one respect.

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Don't Support The Troops

As you can guess, since I am a liberal, I'm against supporting the troops. That really isn't what we need to do right now. We must Save The Troops. That is really the best way to show we support them and to keep them safe. By electing John Kerry, we can only do better.

This process is quite simple, but powerful. You register to vote. You vote for John Kerry.

After such a process, if you have told your friends and all others you know to get out there and vote (via email, in person, blogging), hopefully the majority of Americans will agree with you. If so, you get a better leader. Sounds too easy, huh? Nope. There's no catch this year (hopefully, unlike 2000), and it shall all work out in favor of America's interests.

If you vote as the above directions tell you, you will recieve your better America in the near future. Don't forget to vote on state governments and senates too, they can affect many (if not all). And maybe if you feel you have something you yourself can contribute, and would like to make a change yourself, run for office in a local or state position. Why not? It might be a great place to start your political ground or simply to get your career going.

It's a democratic process, and it can't work without the people. Sure, four years ago democracy may have been cheated, but with your support this year, the Democratic party will come out on top.

Friday, August 27, 2004

Freaky Friday

Thank you Don for responding and providing me with a fine link. I suggest you check it out. It's pretty scary stuff after hearing threats of terrorism in the United States mostly, and all of a sudden something hit's our closest ally. Russians say it's terrorism. One group claims to have done it. (It's all here in that article.)

We all hope that this is not an act of terrorism and the extremist group may just be trying to get some attention or something. If it's just them trying to put fear in our minds, they probably have succeeded again. Or is the American public too dense to figure out they might be in danger too? If it is terrorism, who knows where it could happen? But even if it is say, engine failure, it could very well happen to Americans or any other people that are often flying.

Chechen separitists are under high speculation. They are supsects as they have been known to be funded by terrorist groups including al-qaida. Not good stuff. Russia isn't too fond of them, either. Sepraists aren't usually a good thing, and especially when they start to attack your country. But as it says in the end of the article, some of the Chechen leaders only have control of some of the sepratist warriors. And that's real bad, too, if only some are attacking and all are being blamed. It's so much like politics, isn't it? Just great stuff...


I recently downloaded Mozilla FireFox and I am delighted with it. If it shall stop internet threats more often that Internet Explorer, I will be sure to use it more often. I reccomend it. Download it here.

Also, if you would like to: on the side of this blog, you can subscribe to Midguard and the homepage of this blog should be sent to you. If it doesn't or something is different than when you load it on your browser, tell me so I can report it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

The Russia Disaster

This is terrible. The former superpower, Russia has suffered a disaster. A major security flaw may have lead to terrorist activity. Two planes went down at approximately the same time. Curious. But Russia claims to be having very tight security. That seems good, but the disaster is terrible. They must figure out why to prevent another plane from mysteriously crashing.

That is if it is mysterious. It could very well be a terrorist organization at it again just like they did on September 11th. Sure there were less casualties, but it was on an airplane, so they're pointing a finger at al-qaeda.

But some insist it may not be terrorism, just an accident.

It's terrible no matter what, and it's likely both can be prevented in the future. Hopefully they will. I'll try to give you information when I get it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

The Man Who Slept For Four Years

Well, it's getting closer and closer (slow as it may be) to November and it's almost time to vote. Hope all the democrats out there are getting ready to re-elect Al Gore. Wait---what do you mean he didn't win? Oh my.

I've come to the realization that we didn't get the president we so richly deserve. Instead, we have a president who leads us into war on false pretenses and ideas that are not true. But that would make the president a liar. And last I checked, that's not what we want in America.

There is no way that the majority of Americans would elect him. But since my awakening it didn't take much research at all to find the right choice in this election. America saw four years of this man, and I'm glad I wasn't there to see it all. But I am glad that I am awake now.

Now, with such a realization, what else could be my goal but to convince others? It took me a while to wake up and see the light. And then more time to see the truth of the world around me. So now I must make the others see the light and truth so they make wake up too, and make the right decision.

Comment from the blogger: Please, just save the world and VOTE.

Monday, August 23, 2004


I have received a delightful gift, a Gmail account. For those of you who don't know, Gmail is the how Google does email. You can only get an account by asking politely to another Gmail user (yes, seriously). Each Gmail user has invites that they can send to other people so they
may join. I'm not sure how to or if I have that feauture yet, so don't ask me for one.

But if you want to ask me about anything else, email me here. And all of your comments will start heading over there too, so each time you respond to me I can know about it.

This post isn't about politics, obviously, but we can get back to that later...say, tommorow.

Thank you Tyrelle for the invite you so quickly gave me.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Most Americans favour embryonic stem cell research

A swell article I read today has shown that approval ratings for stem cell research are higher than they were in 2001. This is fantastic news that proves that people are starting to agree more with the scientific community. This is the way we grow, improve and live better. With science. Isaac Asimov has said that science can lead to great discoveries that can bring disasterous conclusions or marvelous solutions. We are looking for solutions right now in this time of unknown and hidden facts. We must look to science and be determined to finding the truth so that we all may live better and have a brighter tommorow.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Lost...and found?

I have been seeing the issue of stem cell research appear more and more lately. I am glad to report this shouldn't be qualified as a "Runaway Issue". As you can imagine, I am all for it and I think every human being should. Because if you care about the health of common diseases that crate burdens in everyday lives, stem cell research could relieve these and eventually cure them. There's hardly a reason to not begin doing such a thing immediately.

I got to see part of Ron Reagan's speech at the DNC. It was very helpful in inspiring and reassuring my confidence in the research. We are moving into the future and there are threats around us that we must deal with. And with the capabilties to accomplish these goals for the good of science and humankind, I encourage alll to support stem cell research. I will update you of my thoughts on this and many other issues later.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Runaway Issues

Camera Crew: Okay, Mr. President...you're on in 3, 2, 1 (points to Bush).

Bush: My fellow Americans, your administration has been hard at work on an idea that will lead us into the future and distract the media from the real issues. Because whatever I say will be on CNN tommorow. So let's stop wasting more of my time, let's start wasting yours.

Forget all the "important" issues that bombard you each day like gay marriage, election results...none of that matters for now. And neither did the following issue in this post, and it makes some wonder why. These are the Runaway Issues. Those things officials may have talked about once or twice and it got people talking, then it quickly died down again. They have been lost for a while, but today I'd like to uncover them, blow off the dust and see what it's really about.

One fine example is that little Mars distraction. Even the Daily Show saw it right away with headlines, "Mars Distracts!" Even they saw it, and I wish more Americans did, too. We shouldn't have to deal with administrations that give you these temporary distractions to get you excited and thinking, "Wow, this guy really is a true leader." But he's not, because obviously you forgot. He didn't keep his word, at least he's not updating us about the progress of these plans.

Mr. President, why do you distract us so? Why did the media forget about it so quickly as it does so often with many other issues. But the media went on quite a while about that Elian Gonzalez kid. And this, which Bush has proposed, is a long term, billion dollar spending spree. So why do we forget? Why has he not updated us?

The media should look at this more. Would that be being partisan though? But really, it's just looking at the facts.

Increasing death toll and insurgent uprisings...what to do...what to do? (Light bulb appears over head) "I've got a great idea! Hey everybody! Check out this other complicated and interesting plan that we have going on. Forget about that Iraq thingy! Look, we're gonna send people into space!" Grins like an idiot. "Isn't that great?"

It's like distracting a small child with a new toy. "Here, play with this for a while."

Wait a minute. This guy is the leader of the free world. At least I thought he was. He's not really doing the job I'd expect from the President of the United States. But as long as he's keeping us in it and bringing us new toys, I guess I'd vote for him.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

200, wow.

I have reached 200 hits in 21 days. This is amazing. Thanks to all who visit, hope you read more. Bookmark us, please. Interested in link exchanges? Email me.

Tommorow's topic: Runaway Issues.

"Democratic" People's Republic of Korea

The Korean Central News Agency does not bring you news at all. It does not even give you facts. It's fiction.

But what else would you expect from a maniacal government that brain-washes their people into strange and twisted beliefs that are hardly "democratic". But you might think the same of some US media.

This is run by the government though. Stifling out all freedom of speech and stamping on it so the people never know it existed. North Korea is a real threat. Iraq was not. In North Korea there is a massive army being raised appearing ready for World War III. In North Korea, the "President" Kim Jong Il parades around telling the world he has nuclear weapons.

His people suffer, but yet so many love him. They beleive he is the one working hard to bring Korea peace and stabiltity. These are people who have been lied to their entire lives and have a distorted vision of what is good and what is truth.

And the government rants about how the US is doing this, the US is doing that, but that's not so uncommon these days, is it? They do it to many countries, not only claiming that the United States is arming themselves for nuclear war but that Japan is militarizing themselves for overseas aggression.

They isolate themselves in a way to show their people that they are the ones who are doing good in the world. They are the ones working towards peace.

What could happen in the near future? It seems almost anything. Will North Korea start alliances and invade South Korea? Will they not bother with alliances and nuke the west coast of the United States? Can the United Nations dissarm them in time to prevent futher death, destruction and despair?

And what about China? They have a similar ideas of how to run their country. But they don't prance about saying, "We have nukes! Fear and respect us!" But should we be wary of them too?

I don't mind countries that simply dissagree with the United States as much as I do to countries that may be a threat to my country.

We must work with allies to stop real threats to world peace. This cannot go on forever and it will not. It can be ended in peace, or disaster.

The North Koreans tell their people in the same newspaper that the United States is trying to get biological and chemical weapons to exterminate all Koreans. Through all the confusion of that newspaper and all the things in our world today, we must see what is right and what is wrong.

And what we find to be right or wrong, will eventually be the deciding factor on is what to come.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


This blog is now ad-free and much more professional looking. Blogger created an annoying toolbar to take the place of the giant ad at the top of each free "Blogspot" web blog. I didn't really want anything there, so I went to my handy-dandy Blogger's Forum and I learned how to get rid of it via HTML. Good stuff.

More on NK soon

I have been looking into North Korea a little bit straight from the source: A North Korean run newspaper. It is very secretive and anti-US indeed. It is easily one of the ways they brainwash their people to oppose the peoples of other nations. I will keep reading more from there (and I will give you the link). I will have to do all of this later.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

15 Days and counting...

...till the Republican National Convention. I can't wait to see the largest GOP rally in four years. I wonder how it will compare to the Democratic National Convention in terms of affecting voters and how long the message will stick with people, like some said that Kerry was on fire, then wore off quickly.

It is possible that both parties will have these huge parties and hardly affect voters. That would be a little strange, but it did happen with Kerry somewhat. The Republicans may have an advantage being the last one to host a convention. They may be the last impression on the voters, and if the impression does influence them for good, I fear for America's well-being even more (yes, liberals do).

Hopefully the American people will see through the lies and wrong-doings of President Bush. They shall make the right decision, which is John Kerry. Even if you aren't too fond of Kerry but you are sure you don't want Bush a second time, Kerry at least could be lesser of two evils.

Friday, August 13, 2004

No more free press, I say! Obey me!

Mr. Bush,

You are the president, I beleive. Wether I like you or not, it seems I have to deal with you for the time being. But I'd really rather have you stick to your job. That is to keep us safe and sustain our freedoms and rights.

You've done a very poor job.

Mr. Bush, I believe I heard that you are calling for both sides to pull all independent television ads off the air. Is this really fair? I would understand it if you asked both campaigns to do that, but to ask us to ignore the free press?

That just seems so un-American to me, so I'd really like to have you clear that up to me because I MUST be wrong; I mean, you're the president. And, after all, I am a liberal so I must not be able to comprehend any of the great things you do to our country.

I am sincerely apologetic for my previous miscalculations. Good luck in this year's elections...

Thursday, August 12, 2004

He just can't help at being so sensitive...

Without even thinking about John Kerry's words, Dick Cheney immediately thought of a way to attack him. He ranted on about how we don't need to fight a more "sensitive" war on terrorism. This helped get the crowd into it, as you can imagine.

Very Clever, Cheney. "Mission Accomplished" indeed. You did your job. You've been doing it for almost four years. Exploiting the truth to get some votes. I'm a big fan of yours.

Let us take a closer look, as Mr. Cheney forgot to do. Let us start with the very definition of "sensitive". Dictionary.com's definition is: Capable of perceiving with a sense or senses.

And that's the first one, folks. Mr. Cheney clearly did not interpret this correctly. He was not capable of perceiving the fact John Kerry promised to be tough on terrorism and be sensitive about it. Sensitive as in being able to perceiving what the right decision is, as Bush has forgotten to do.

AND, Kerry's spokesman has pointed a little fact out. Mr. Cheney's boss, the big man, Mr. President Bush has in fact used the same word before.

In 2001, Bush said: "Precisely because America is powerful, we must be sensitive about expressing our power and influence." And this month, he said: "We need to be very sensitive" in balancing individual rights and intelligence gathering.

You go Cheney! Way to think about that one. You know what? We should REALLY re-elect this guy along with his fabulous pal, George W. Bush. What better combination to lie to us, but also make us feel so proud to be American! And that's what matters, right?

Some of the information in this post was provided by ABC NEWS.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Responding to...

I honestly do not know why there is so much belief that simply supporting the president is helping the war on terror. If he doesn't have support and maybe feels "unloved" is he going to slack off? "Since you guys don't like me, I'm not going to try as hard."

I do not ever think (or at least hope) that this will be said from a president. Will Bush do so? Probably not.

With all due respect to veterans in all wars, is it true that America's freedoms are really being protected if the war is lost? And you wonder why they say Iraq is becoming another Vietnam.

Our handling of Iraq is not up to par. Going in there in the first place was not neccessary, but now that we are there; we'd better find a way to make it work.

John Kerry is not the Democrat that I wanted. He still is confusing to me in some ways (like I'm sure he is to many people). It may look like a gamble to some, but if what Kerry envisions has a chance to come true, America will be better off.

Responding to one of the comments on my post on the draft, I assure you that John Kerry is less likely to start a draft. He does want to add 40,000 active duty troops, but not in Iraq. He is looking to strengthen the armed forces over time in his four years in office. This could not be an immediate plan. His first day in office he will not make a push for the draft, nor will he in his term. He is looking to put more international troops to strengthen Iraq.

I am fully aware I cannot tell the future and some of these ideas maybe me alterted by me. Unfortunately, I cannot look into Kerry's mind, but from what I've been hearing, this is what I predict and hope may happen if he is to become president.

No more breeding ground of terror, please. I'd prefer a smart, thought out plan, that might actually work. Don't you? I think America might agree with those ideas.

Now...if I could just get them all to vote...

Monday, August 09, 2004


I just found this on the internet today.

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
-- George W. Bush

Do you think it's real? Do you know IF it's a real quote?

Anyways, its funny and I thought everyone might enjoy that.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

The Draft: Good? Bad? Any time soon?

The draft is not a good thing. It's the opposite of what we pride ourselves about here in America. It limits are rights and makes us government property. But would you go? Step up and answer the call? Not to mention abandoning everything you know back home.

Off to Iraq! Would you go? Is that being patriotic? Sure it is! Answering you're country's call. As they say, there's no better way to show your support and pride then join the armed forces.

But this is being forced, and really, as the average teenager would put it, "That's not cool, man."

Is it also not being patriotic to not do such thing? To obey your rights? Seems reasonable to me. If you really want to "answer your country's call", join the armed forces. It's always been an option.

Many veterans, after hearing rumors get pretty nervous. They remember Vietnam, and I'm betting they didn't enjoy their stay. Not many soldiers I don't think said, "Oh wow! It was great! You've gotta go sometime."

Those are just rumors, though. But I don't want those rumors to become reality. And I have a feeling it would be much more likely to happen with a President Bush then a President Kerry.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Next Big Thing

My next little bit I plan to write about the draft, and if it's coming back. Can't do it now, so expect it later.

Sunday, August 01, 2004


From what I've heard, since the convention in Boston is done, they (Kerry and Edwards) are going to convince voters to vote for them on a coast to coast capaign. Sounds pretty good. They probably will talk of the same ideas you saw at the convention.

If you know that he is going to be in your area, I strongly encourage you to go. Electing Kerry is a huge step up from Bush and his management of this country. I can't find any place to get this information (for the Kerry campaign) at the moment, but if I do, I'll be sure to tell you.